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Back Method and device for the accurate measurement of wood moisture

Method and device for the accurate measurement of wood moisture

Method and device for the accurate measurement of wood moisture

Researchers of the Universitat de València have developed a novel method and device able to measure the moisture levels of a wide spectrum of wood species. This new technology could be applied in the wood industry, as well as in the construction and building rehabilitation sectors.


The technology is patent protected.

Innovative product: Habitat: The property and its environment


Oficina de Transferència de Resultats d'Investigació (OTRI)

Sección de Innovación: Valorización y Emprendimiento

Servicio de Investigación e Innovación

Universitat de València

Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 13, nivel 2

46010, Valencia

Tel: 96 386 40 44

e-mail: otri@uv.es


Web: http://www.uv.es/serinves