Technology Transfer Forums - Banco de Patentes
To connect companies with the Patents Bank and Knowledge, since its launch in May 2013 there have been carried out two Tecnology Transfer Forums in Valencian Region. The selected sectors were: food-processing industry, chemistry and materials, health and information and communication technologies (ICTs). These sectors add a competitive sustainable advantage in time and are strategic investment themselves.
Forums were attended by 413 people, representatives of 170 first level companies in their respective sectors, as well as a large group of companies on the technological and financial intermediation areas, where 39 technologies were presented.
The Patents Bank and Knowledge has also taken part in the World Meeting of Technology, EmTech, celebrated the 5th and 6th of November, at the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia, Valencia. This was the most important event on new emerging technologies that brought together prominent entrepreneurs with investors interested in their projects.