Internal combustion engine with no harmful gas (NOx) or CO2 emissions - Banco de Patentes
Back Internal combustion engine with no harmful gas (NOx) or CO2 emissions
Internal combustion engine with no harmful gas (NOx) or CO2 emissions
New generation hydrocarbon internal combustion engine, cost efficient, disruptive and self-transportable.
The technology, based on MIEC ceramic membranes (patented by ITQ), eliminates all contaminating gases, harmful to health (NOx), capturing and liquefying own and atmospheric CO2 so it can be stored and collected at petrol stations (potential negative CO2 emissions).
It complies with emission regulations planned for 2040.
Patent Pending/Granted
Priority Number (SPTO):
Priority Date: 28/03/2019
PCT: PCT/ES2020/070199 (España (ES))
PCT Date: 21/03/2020
Cristina Alemany Làzaro
I2T - Office for the Promotion of Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer
T: +34 963 877 409