New organic compounds for the preparation of tunable OLEDs - Banco de Patentes
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New organic compounds for the preparation of tunable OLEDs
![New organic compounds for the preparation of tunable OLEDs](/documents/161324488/161643921/encabezamiento_oled.jpg/aa5758d0-d37d-4ec2-816b-60ee2d4fa29b?t=1418137976036)
The invention consists in new organic compounds as potential candidates for the preparation of tunable, stable and efficient OLEDs. High-efficiency blue OLEDs are far more difficult to achieve. The patented invention opens up new possibilities for achieving OLEDs that are more efficient and have longer emission lifetimes.
A Spanish patent has been applied for with the reference P201331318 and filing date 09/10/2013. In process of internationalization by PCT.
Innovative product: Habitat: The property and its environment