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Banco de patentes

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Back Method adn device for homogeneosuly heating materials by means of hight frequency electromagnetic radiation

Method adn device for homogeneosuly heating materials by means of hight frequency electromagnetic radiation

Method adn device for homogeneosuly heating materials by means of hight frequency electromagnetic radiation

The present invention relates to a method for heating materials being capable of absorbing high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, in particular. This method is preferably applicable for substantially homogeneously and reproducibly heating and curing or cross-linking resins or polymers such as microwaves.


This technology is protected by a European patent: Method and device for homogeneously heating materials
by means of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation: EP2046093B1.

Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Capital goods


Inma Roig
AIMPLAS (Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico)
C/ Gustavo Eiffel, 4
46980 Paterna (Valencia)
T. +34 96 136 60 40
F. +34 96 136 60 40
E-Mail: iroig@aimplas.es
Web: www.aimplas.es