EMOCIONATEST: An APP for the assessment and promotion of the emotional competence in children - Banco de Patentes
Banco de patentes
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EMOCIONATEST: An APP for the assessment and promotion of the emotional competence in children
The invention consists in new mobile application to be used in smartphones and tablets and addressed to the assessment and improvement of the emotional competence in children ranging 3 to 12 years old. This tool has been specifically designed to address the needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, but it is equally suitable for the development of the emotional competence of children without difficulties. The app has been validated by studies with school-age children.
Registered software
Hugo Cerdà
Oficina de Cooperación en Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (OCIT)
Universitat Jaume I de Castelló
Tel: +34 964387487
e-mail: patents@uji.es