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Banco de patentes

Asset Publisher

Comité Tech Transfer. Webinar: TESTIMONIALS “De la investigación al emprendimiento”

Destinado: Comunidad investigadora. El contexto actual derivado de la situación pandémica obliga, más si cabe, a aunar esfuerzos para avanzar en la sociedad y la economía del conocimiento. El...

Premiadas dos tecnologías del Banco de Patentes, se presentarán en Bio Boston

Dos tecnologías del Banco de Patentes, Sistema de Sellado Epidural y Antisense RNA-therapeutics in Myotonic Dystrophy, entre las ganadoras del Programa de Aceleración Comercial Internacional FIPSE...

List of Patents




Module for Increasing the Efficiency of Vapour COMPRESSION Plants and Associated Optimisation Method

Members of the research group Thermal and Energy Systems Engineering (ISTENER) of the Universitat Jaume I have developed a module for optimising vapour compression plants (refrigeration or steam pump). With this innovation, the maximum temperature of the circuit will be monitored with great precision, thus enabling an optimum level of energy efficiency to be reached (maximising it) and the control of the cooling/heating capacity to be adjusted, without compromising the useful life of any of its elementsThis invention is protected by means of an application for a Spanish patent with reference number P202230050 and filing date 21-01-2022.


This invention is protected by means of an application for a Spanish patent with reference number P202230825 and filing date 27/09/2022.

Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Capital goods


César Viúdez / Laura Agea

Office for Cooperation in Research and Technological Development

Universitat Jaume I, Castelló (Spain)

Tel: +34 964387669

e-mail: patents@uji.es