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Back Novel elicitors to increase production of resveratrol

Novel elicitors to increase production of resveratrol

Novel elicitors to increase production of resveratrol

Novel elicitors to increase production of resveratrol

It has been developed a simple biotechnological method to obtain and accumulate high amounts of antioxidant resveratrol from natural resources. It has been optimized plant cell culture conditions in bioreactors in order to obtain more than 4 grams of resveratrol per litre of culture, easily to extract and purify.


This technology is protected by national patent:

Title: "Combined use of methyl jasmonate and cyclodextrins for production of resveratrol".
Application number: P200800591.
Application date: 2nd February 2008.

In addition, protection has been extended to Europe:

Application number: EP09715647.5.

Sectoral environment: Agri-Food, Cosmetics and Household Products
Entity: Universidad de Alicante (UA)