Method for determining the presence and/or stage of malignant tumours using a urine sample - Banco de Patentes
Back Method for determining the presence and/or stage of malignant tumours using a urine sample
Method for determining the presence and/or stage of malignant tumours using a urine sample

Researchers from the Universitat de València, the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria - Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital Universitario La Fe (IIS La Fe) and the Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica (FISABIO) have developed a diagnostic kit, using biochemical urine fingerprinting with naked AuNPs, to determine the presence and/or monitor malignant tumours.
Entity: Universitat de València (UV)
Innovation and Valorization Section Transfer and Innovation Service Universitat de València Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 13, nivel 2 46010, Valencia Tel: 96 386 40 61 e-mail: |