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Back Augmented reality App to help assess spatial memory

Augmented reality App to help assess spatial memory

Augmented reality App to help assess spatial memory

Augmented reality App based on SLAM to assess short-term spatial memory.

The app improves the current techniques used for the assessment or training of spatial memory, as it allows to perform memory exercises in any environment, such as the patient's home, that is, in a real context where the same difficulties are present. In addition, the app can be customised by the test supervisor in terms of environment size, number of object and times.

Quality of Life: Health Promotion and Efficient Health




Cristina Alemany Lázaro



i2T - Investigación, Innovación y Transferencia



Universitat Politècnica de València




E: calemany@i2t.upv.es




T: 963 87 70 00 Ext 74093