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Back Modular automatic 4D body scan of high resolution.

Modular automatic 4D body scan of high resolution.

Modular automatic 4D body scan of high resolution.




Modular system of high resolution, spatial and temporal, to scan the complete body of the corporal form and superficial texture in static and in dynamic.


The system has two configurations of 8 modules (3D scan) and 12 modules (4D scanning).


The system incorporates a specific software for the processing of the scans, integrating 3D-3D processing algorithms and biomechanical analysis.


Intellectual property rights of Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia.

Quality of Life: Agri-Food, Cosmetics and Household Products
Quality of Life: Health Promotion and Efficient Health
Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Capital goods
Innovative product: Custom Consumer Goods

David Garrido Jaén IBV
+34 649308748