HTRANS-3D, Multipurpose translucid concrete - Banco de Patentes
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HTRANS-3D, Multipurpose translucid concrete
HTRANS, innovative translucent concrete, allows 3D printed designs to be ncorporated in its interior by means of a transparent resin and to create façades, paving, etc. à la carte.
The material enables structures with any requirement of geometry and design thanks to the union of reinforcement and filling elements that provide enough structural rigidity for large formats and small thicknesses.
Patent pending: P202130141
Priority date: 19/02/2021
Cristina Alemany Làzaro
I2T - Servicio de Promoción y Apoyo a la Investigación, Innovación y Transferencia
Universitat Politècnica de València
T: +34 963 877 957