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Back Apparatus for conversion of energy for photovoltaic plant

Apparatus for conversion of energy for photovoltaic plant

Apparatus for conversion of energy for photovoltaic plant

It is an apparatus for conversion of energy for photovoltaic plants that is connected between the grid and the panels or photovoltaic modules to convert the DC voltage generated by said modules into an alternating voltage which is injected into the mains.


The technology comes from research conducted through a project and belongs to the Institute for Energy
The technology is protected by patent "Aparato de transformación energía para parques fotovoltaicos".


Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Capital goods


Esther Mocholí Munera
ITE (Instituto de Tecnología Eléctrica)
Avda. Juan de la Cierva, 24
46980 Paterna (Valencia)
T. +34 96 136 66 70
F. +34 96 136 66 80
Email: observatorio@ite.es
Web: http://www.ite.es