Exterior modular natural ventilation system for sloping roofs - Banco de Patentes
Banco de patentes
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Back Exterior modular natural ventilation system for sloping roofs
Exterior modular natural ventilation system for sloping roofs
The invention consists in a ventilation module for roofs, an energy-efficient passive solution for thermal conditioning in buildings. The module is designed to ensure ventilation in sloping roofs in order to dissipate heat from solar radiation, thus avoiding the problems of traditional roofs where heat is transmitted directly through the construction materials to the inhabited space. The module can be installed in the restoration and rehabilitation of roofs, particularly those considered of historical value, as well as in the construction process for roofs in new buildings.
A Spanish patent has been applied for with the reference P201331682 and filing date 11/18/2013. In process of internationalization by PCT.
Hugo Cerdà
Oficina de Cooperación en Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (OCIT)
Universitat Jaume I de Castelló
Tel: +34 964387487
e-mail: patents@uji.es
Web: http://ujiapps.uji.es/serveis/ocit/base/empresa/patents/