Synthesis of polymers with sol-gel behavior for tissue regeneration - Banco de Patentes
Banco de patentes
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Back Synthesis of polymers with sol-gel behavior for tissue regeneration
Synthesis of polymers with sol-gel behavior for tissue regeneration
AIMPLAS has developed different copolymers through synthesis methodologies that are based on
lactic and glicolic acid. This copolymer presents a SOL-GEL behaviour in aqueous solution. Those
aerogels have the capacity to shift from SOL to GEL at different temperatures, and can be modulated with
the formulation. The viscosity and gelification is adaptable depending on the polymer molecular
weight, monomers ratio, and the concentration
The owner is the company that the develop was made for. Although AIMPLAS has the right to apply the
method to the new materials development for different applications than the ones of the owner company.
Núria García-Múñoz
Tel +34 961366040