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Banco de patentes

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Comité Tech Transfer. Webinar: TESTIMONIALS “De la investigación al emprendimiento”

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List of Patents

Back Procedure for the preparation of compounds that could be applied to detect oxidant explosives

Procedure for the preparation of compounds that could be applied to detect oxidant explosives

Procedure for the preparation of compounds that could be applied to detect oxidant explosives

Design and preparation of a compound or mixtures of compounds to be used as an adequate detector of oxidant agents, and particularly to detect oxidant explosives, so it could be used in critical facilities, such as access controls of airports.


Protected by patent in Spain. Miguel Hernández University of Elche owns 57.14 % of patent rights. The remaining 42.86 % is held by the University of Burgos

Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Capital goods


Mariano Almela Alarcón
Servicio Gestión de la Investigación - OTRI
Avda. de la Universidad s/n
Edif. Rectorado y Consejo Social
03202 Elche, Alicante
Telf.: 966658733