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Comité Tech Transfer. Webinar: TESTIMONIALS “De la investigación al emprendimiento”

Destinado: Comunidad investigadora. El contexto actual derivado de la situación pandémica obliga, más si cabe, a aunar esfuerzos para avanzar en la sociedad y la economía del conocimiento. El...

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Back Methodology for the evaluation of employability in any group and professional sector (EAS method)

Methodology for the evaluation of employability in any group and professional sector (EAS method)

Methodology for the evaluation of employability in any group and professional sector (EAS method)


Methodology for the evaluation of employability in any group and professional sector (EAS method)


Research staff from the University of Valencia, members of the TRANSICIONS research group and the IDOCAL research institute have created the EAS method for the assessment of employability from a bio-ecological and systemic perspective. This perspective integrates the person, their circumstances and their context.


Technology is protected by intellectual property rights.

Quality of Life: Health Promotion and Efficient Health

Sección de Innovación y Valorización
Servicio de Transferencia e Innovación
Universitat de València
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 13, nivel 2
46010, Valencia
Tel: 96 386 40 61
e-mail: patentes.otri@uv.es
Web: www.uv.es/serinvesi