Material to produce separation membranes and fuel cell electrodes - Banco de Patentes
Banco de patentes
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Back Material to produce separation membranes and fuel cell electrodes
Material to produce separation membranes and fuel cell electrodes
CSIC and other partner have developed a new material for the manufacture of gas separation membranes, specifically hydrogen, at high temperature. The hydrogen obtained has a high purity, allowing its use as a vehicle fuel.
On the other hand, through the use of this membrane, the efficiency of hydrocarbon transformation processes can be improved and CO2 can be captured in fossil fuel energy generation processes, through the called pre-combustion process.
The technology to produce separation membranes is protected by patent.
Josep Calaforra Guzman
Delegación del CSIC en la Comunidad Valenciana.
C/ de la Batlia 1
46003 Valencia.
Tel.: 96 362 27 57