LALABY: An app to monitor the quality of life of cancer patients and improve decision-making for their treatment - Banco de Patentes
Banco de patentes
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Back LALABY: An app to monitor the quality of life of cancer patients and improve decision-making for their treatment
LALABY: An app to monitor the quality of life of cancer patients and improve decision-making for their treatment
The lalaby app allows patient monitoring through motion, location, conversation detection and smartphone data usage sensors. The lalaby app allows obtaining user behaviour patterns to relate them to medical, sports, etc. indicators. Lalaby allows assessing the daily activity of people from the information collected automatically, which can be of great help to, for example, monitor the quality of life in patients undergoing cancer treatment and provide doctors with information obtained directly from the patient.
Registered software
Registration date: 03/09/2019
Cristina Alemany Làzaro
I2T - Servicio de Promoción y Apoyo a la Investigación, Innovación y Transferencia
Universitat Politècnica de València
T: +34 963 877 957