Neuronal Plasticity Laboratory and Electrophysiology Technology Platform. GEN-T program. - Banco de Patentes
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Neuronal Plasticity Laboratory and Electrophysiology Technology Platform. GEN-T program.
The incorporation of new research groups has endowed the CIPF with new scientific and technological capabilities, supported by Program GenT from Generalitat Valenciana for talented researchers.
The new Neuronal Plasticity Laboratory integrates in the CIPF a new electrophysiology platform, an advanced technique that allows the study of the electrical properties of cells and biological tissues, in this case, applied to measurements of the electrical activity of neurons.
The new group is researching in the field of neuronal plasticity and more effective treatments against cognitive deficits caused by Alzheimer's. The use of animal models of Alzheimer's disease together with cutting-edge techniques allow innovating with more effective treatments against cognitive deficits.
Industrial secret.