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Back Cysteine protease inhibitors with applications in tropical infectious diseases

Cysteine protease inhibitors with applications in tropical infectious diseases

Cysteine protease inhibitors with applications in tropical infectious diseases

The invention consists in new compounds that show a powerful inhibitory activity against protease cysteine-type therapeutic targets, which makes them powerful drugs for use against tropical diseases such as sleeping sickness, Chagas disease or malaria, while they also display a low degree of toxicity. Cell trials show that the new chemical compounds selectively inhibit the development of the protozoa that cause these diseases in human cells.


Tow European patents have been applied for with the references EP14382283.1 and EP14382307.8, and filing dates 07-17-2014 and 08-04-2014

Quality of Life: Health Promotion and Efficient Health


Hugo Cerdà
Oficina de Cooperación en Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (OCIT)
Universitat Jaume I de Castelló
Tel: +34 964387487
e-mail: patents@uji.es
Web: ​http://ujiapps.uji.es/serveis/ocit/base/empresa/patents/