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Banco de patentes

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Comité Tech Transfer. Webinar: TESTIMONIALS “De la investigación al emprendimiento”

Destinado: Comunidad investigadora. El contexto actual derivado de la situación pandémica obliga, más si cabe, a aunar esfuerzos para avanzar en la sociedad y la economía del conocimiento. El...

Premiadas dos tecnologías del Banco de Patentes, se presentarán en Bio Boston

Dos tecnologías del Banco de Patentes, Sistema de Sellado Epidural y Antisense RNA-therapeutics in Myotonic Dystrophy, entre las ganadoras del Programa de Aceleración Comercial Internacional FIPSE...

List of Patents

Back Modular and self-adaptable robotic divice for the rehabilitation of the hand and procedure of use

Modular and self-adaptable robotic divice for the rehabilitation of the hand and procedure of use

Modular and self-adaptable robotic divice for the rehabilitation of the hand and procedure of use

This technology consists of a modular and self-adaptive robotic device for the rehabilitation of the hand, which is comprised of: a robotic device of exoskeleton type, a dorsal and palmar stimulation system synchronized with the assisted movement of opening and closing of the hand , a system of fixation and liberalization between the device and the user's hand based on the use of magnetized clip-type or similar systems, a system for acquiring physiological signals by means of sensors embedded in the device's fixation system, a control system and a virtual reality system with different therapeutic activities.


Protected by a patent in Spain. Rights owned by the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

Quality of Life: Health Promotion and Efficient Health


Mariano Almela Alarcón
Servicio Gestión de la Investigación - OTRI
Avda. de la Universidad s/n
Edif. Rectorado y Consejo Social
03202 Elche, Alicante
Telf.: 966658733