Compound for detection of senescent cells and the use of it - Banco de Patentes
Banco de patentes
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Back Compound for detection of senescent cells and the use of it
Compound for detection of senescent cells and the use of it
The present invention provides a new compound that can be used as a fluorescent probe for measuring the level of senescence of an individual in the urine, in vivo. The main role of cellular senescence is the prevention of the proliferation and accumulation of damaged or stressed cells and its subsequent removal, but the accumulation of these cells can trigger pathological processes such as inflammation, tissue destruction, aging or tumor formation. The main advantage of this innovation is the use of fluorescence as imaging technique, as it is cheaper and can be done using more common equipment. It also allows to quantify and track more than one treatment, being a urinalysis technique, it allows to store the samples and to make several measurements. Currently, it has been tested in animal models using rats with induced tumors, and also in healthy rats of different ages, being the results satisfactory when comparing them against immunohistochemical techniques. |
Patent Pending
Priority Number (SPTO): P201930893
Priority Date: 10/10/2019
Cristina Alemany Làzaro
I2T - Office for the Promotion of Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer
T: +34 963 877 409