A presence sensing mat - Banco de Patentes
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Back A presence sensing mat
A presence sensing mat
It is a presence sensing mat with a conventional appearance and measurements defining a system which can detect the presence of an object or a person placed or standing on the mat by measuring variances in the electrical capacity exerted on the condenser through the elements in the mat structure and the presence sensor itself.
The product is protected through the following patent.
• Title:Presence sensingmat
• Patentapplication No. 200403022
• Date of application:20/12/2004
• Patentgranted: 09/07/2007
José Gisbert Gomis
AITEX (Asociación de Investigación de la Industria Textil)
Pl. Emilio Sala, 1
03801 Alcoy (Alicante
T. +34 96 554 22 00
F. +34 96 554 34 94
Email: jgisbert@aitex.es
Web: www.aitex.es