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Back New procedure for anoxic marine sediments remediation

New procedure for anoxic marine sediments remediation

New procedure for anoxic marine sediments remediation

A new anoxic marine sediment remediation system and a procedure allowing in situ transformation of soft, black, muddy sediment into a well-oxygenated, firmer sediment has been developed. It could be used for remediation of anoxic sediments on shallow beaches and materials extracted during port dredging requiring elimination of anoxic conditions.

This technology is protected by a pantent application. Title: "Procedure, injector and remediation system of anoxic marine sediments".
Application number: P201730723.
Application date: May 24, 2017.


Innovative product: Custom Consumer Goods


Víctor Manuel Pérez Lozano

SGITT-OTRI (Universidad de Alicante)

Teléfono: +34 965909959

Email: areaempresas@ua.es

Web: http://innoua.ua.es