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Back Utility of a new strain for the control of hepatic and intestinal inflammation

Utility of a new strain for the control of hepatic and intestinal inflammation

Utility of a new strain for the control of hepatic and intestinal inflammation

New strain for the treatment and/or prevention of pathologies with hepatic or intestinal inflammation, especially in patients with cirrhosis. Besides its use as a probiotic, it can restore intestinal dysbiosis associated with clinically relevant complications or prevent non-selective eradication of the microbiota and the emergence of resistance, the main problems associated with the increasing use of antibiotics.

Sectoral environment: Health Promotion and Efficient Health
Entity: Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO)


Rubén Francés Guarinos

Investigador - Area Terapias Avanzadas y Nuevas

Tecnologías (TEAN)


Tel.: +34 965913928

E-mail: frances_rub@gva.es

Area de Innovación


Avda. Pintor Baeza,12

03010 - Alicante

Tel.: +34 965913926

E-mail: Isabial@gva.es

Web: http://alicante.san.gva.es/web/isabial/portada