The Safety Agenda Mobile APP (SAMA) - Banco de Patentes
Back The Safety Agenda Mobile APP (SAMA)
The Safety Agenda Mobile APP (SAMA)

Adverse events (AE) are a reality in usual medical assistance. SAMA is a mobile app designed
to improve patient safety as a strategic tool of the own health centre. It helps managers and
professionals in the management of interventions on patient safety which they are directly
responsible and promotes a proactive culture in patient safety.
The ownership of the app rights belongs to the Foundation FISABIO and the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
Entity: Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO)
José Joaquín Mira Solves
Psicólogo clínico. Catedrático Universidad
Tel.: 604 533 599
Área de Innovación
Avda. Catalunya, 21
46010 Valencia
Tel.: +34 961 926 351
E-mail: innovació