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Back Medication dispensing nipple for infants

Medication dispensing nipple for infants

Medication dispensing nipple for infants

The administration of medication to infants usually involves dispensing problems and stress due to the rejection of the baby. This dispensing nipple, applicable to standard baby bottles, enables the administration of medication in a controlled manner, knowing exactly the amount of medication that the infant has swallowed, camouflaging the taste of it and controlling the rate of drug delivery.


Utility Model granted in September 2015 by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. The international
expansion is expected during the priority year.

Industry environment: Health Promotion and Efficient Health
Entity: Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO)


Salvador Martínez Arenas
Tel.: +34 609689133
E-mail: smarenas@me.com

Unidad de Proyectos e Innovación
Avda. Catalunya, 21
46010 Valencia
Tel. +34 961926351
E-mail: innovación_fisabio@gva.es
Web: www.fisabio.es