Microwawe resonator for noninvasive monitoring blood glucose system - Banco de Patentes
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Microwawe resonator for noninvasive monitoring blood glucose system
![Microwawe resonator for noninvasive monitoring blood glucose system](/documents/161324488/161643924/Resonador+Diabetes+714x320.jpg/8e9b91a7-758a-4ef3-a0d8-4a3885a2056a?t=1464263755225)
It has been developed a resonator circuit that measures the relative impedance of the biological tissue on which it is placed. Using this device the level of blood glucose can be determined.
This system uses the microwave technology to operate and the tongue is the biological tissue to be monitored, making in this way easier its practical application.
Protected by patent in Spain. The Universidad Miguel Hernández of Elche is the 100 % owner of property rights.
Mariano Almela Alarcón
Servicio Gestión de la Investigación - OTRI
Avda. de la Universidad s/n
Edif. Rectorado y Consejo Social
03202 Elche, Alicante
Telf.: 966658733