A decision support system for melanoma diagnosis - Banco de Patentes
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A decision support system for melanoma diagnosis

It has been developed a software support system for helping dermatologists in the diagnosis of the melanoma (a type of skin cancer). This diagnosis can use images obtained with dermatoscopic techniques and also photographs taken by the patients themselves. This system can be used as an automated way to decide the urgency to refer a patient to the dermatologist. This software is fully developed and available for demonstration.
The system is protected by Intellectual Property Rights under copyright.
Entity: Universidad de Alicante (UA)
Víctor Manuel Pérez Lozano
SGITT-OTRI (Universidad Alicante)
Teléfono: +34 96 590 9959
Fax: +34 96 590 3803
Email: areaempresas@ua.es
Web: http://innoua.ua.es