Lithium polymer membrane based on a semi-crystalline fluorinated polymer matrix and a nonionic surfactant - Banco de Patentes
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Lithium polymer membrane based on a semi-crystalline fluorinated polymer matrix and a nonionic surfactant
Lithium polymeric membrane characterized which comprising a fluorinated and semi crystalline polymer matrix, lithium salt and no-ionic surfactant as a plasticizer. It has thermal stability, and no break in applied strain range compared to membranes comprising traditional organic carbonates. They are suitable for use in the operating range in terms of temperature and voltage.
The technology comes from research conducted through a European project and belongs to the Institute for Energy Technology.
• The technology is protected by patent application "Membrana polimérica de litio basada en una matriz
polimérica fluorada semicristalina y un surfactante no iónico". Application201331499.
Esther Mocholí Munera
ITE (Instituto de Tecnología Eléctrica)
Avda. Juan de la Cierva, 24
46980 Paterna (Valencia)
T. +34 96 136 66 70
F. +34 96 136 66 80