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Back System for meausuring partial discharges in power

System for meausuring partial discharges in power

System for meausuring partial discharges in power

System for measuring partial discharges in power lines that combines the use of two different sensors to determine the direction of movement of the discharge pulses produced in a power line, so that the area from which the electrical discharge comes can be determined in order to facilitate maintenance and repair thereof.


The technology comes from research conducted through a project and belongs to the Institute for Energy Technology.
The technology is protected by patent:
• "Sistema de medida de descargas parciales" - ES2365779
• "System for measuring partial discharges in power lines" Application EP2482090
• "System for measuring partial discharges in power lines" Application WO2011/036325A1

Sectoral environment: Capital goods
Entity: Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunitat Valenciana (REDIT)


Esther Mocholí Munera
ITE (Instituto de Tecnología Eléctrica)
Avda. Juan de la Cierva, 24
46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Email: observatorio@ite.es
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