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Back Fluorescent sensors for the highly selective detection of Nitric Oxide

Fluorescent sensors for the highly selective detection of Nitric Oxide

Fluorescent sensors for the highly selective detection of Nitric Oxide

The invention consists in new compounds capable of detecting the presence of nitric oxide using fluorescence. The advantage of the new sensors is that they are highly selective when determining nitric oxide, as they do not react with other typical interferents that can be found in a biological medium. The invention is a valuable aid for the medical and pharmaceutical industry because nitric oxide is involved in various cellular biochemical processes and, therefore, linked to pathologies associated with them.


A Spanish patent has been applied for with the reference P201330607 and filing date 04/25/2013. In process of internationalization by PCT.

Sectoral environment: Health Promotion and Efficient Health
Entity: Universitat Jaume I (UJI)