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RoutingMaps: Optimization of Routing Problems and Fleet

RoutingMaps: Optimization of Routing Problems and Fleet

RoutingMaps is an application with innovative optimization technology that permits the optimization of routes and fleets.


RoutingMaps is adequate for the operational and strategic levels of decision. On the operational level, it solves routing problems, obtaining optimized routes for each vehicle of the fleet, complying with the defined restrictions and optimizing the proposed objectives.


By licence

Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Capital goods


NOMBRE: Eva López Gimeno – Responsable de Comunicación
INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO: ITI – Instituto tecnológico de Informática
DIRECCIÓN: Cº de Vera s/n, edif. 8B – Acc. B – UPV - CPI
CÓDIGO POSTAL / CIUDAD: 46022 - Valencia
T. +34 963877069
E-Mail: comunicacion@iti.es
Web: www.iti.es