A new system of sensors for the fast, non-destructive detection of corrosion - Banco de Patentes
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A new system of sensors for the fast, non-destructive detection of corrosion

Researchers from the Universitat Politècnica de València have developed a new system of sensors that allows for the fast, non-destructive detection of corrosion in the concrete structure of buildings from the moment that a building shows the very first symptoms of corrosion.
On 6th May, 2015, the Universitat Politècnica de València requested protection via patent to the Spanish
Office for Patents and Brands, with the reference number P201530614. An extension via PCT is planned
Entity: Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
Contacto técnico
Manuel Octavio Valcuende Payá
Grupo de Recuperación del Patrimonio Cultural
Tel. 963877000 (Ext.:74514)
Tel. 963877450 (Ext.:74501)
Contacto comercial
Elsa Domínguez Tortajada
Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología
Tel. 963877409