Hidrophobic coating and method of producing the same - Banco de Patentes
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Hidrophobic coating and method of producing the same

This invention is an ultra-hydrophobic heatable coating that reduces ice formation and, in case of ice formation, the coating can be heated enhancing the ice removal.
The developed coating shows applications in several sectors, especially in the following industries:
Aeronautical industry
Energetic industry
Shipping industry.
We are looking for companies interested in the following ways of cooperation:
· Agreement patent license for implementation and use of this technology.
· Agreement for the development of the R & D (technical cooperation) to complete the development of the technology or application to other sectors.
Entity: Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunitat Valenciana (REDIT)
Amador García
AIMPLAS (Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico)
C/ Gustavo Eiffel, 4
46980 Paterna (Valencia)
T. +34 96 136 60 40
F. +34 96 136 60 40
E-Mail: amgarcia@aimplas.es
Web: www.aimplas.es