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Back Green chemistry for the production of ß-amino alcohols

Green chemistry for the production of ß-amino alcohols

Green chemistry for the production of ß-amino alcohols

Researchers from the Universitat de València have developed a process for obtaining β-amino alcohols that is environmentally friendly, uses a heterogeneous catalytic system, it is cost-effective and the final product is not degraded.


Patent filed

Sectoral environment: Agri-Food, Cosmetics and Household Products
Entity: Universitat de València (UV)


Oficina de Transferència de Resultats d'Investigació (OTRI)
Universitat de València
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 13, nivel 2
46010, Valencia
Tel: 96 386 40 44
e-mail: otri@uv.es
Web: www.uv.es/otri