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Back Procedure for the manufacture of monolithic systems of ceramic or carbonaceos nature

Procedure for the manufacture of monolithic systems of ceramic or carbonaceos nature

Procedure for the manufacture of monolithic systems of ceramic or carbonaceos nature

It is a procedure for the manufacture of monolithic systems of ceramic or carbonaceous nature using the Selective Laser Sintering technique. Respectful with the nature of the starting materials, it doesn't require the addition of additives and solvents for their processing. It saves costs and reduces risks for workers' health. 


This technology is protected by means of a patent application.
• Title: "Procedimiento para la fabricación de sistemas monolíticos de naturaleza cerámica o carbon
sa" ("Procedure for the manufacture of monolithic systems
• Application no: P201330489.
• Date of application: 30/03/2012.
Moreover, a PCT application has been submitted in order to expand it internationally.

Sectoral environment: Capital goods
Entity: Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunitat Valenciana (REDIT)


David Monllor Jiménez

OTRI Oficina de Transferència de Resultats d'Investigació

AIJU (Instituto Tecnológico del Producto Infantil y Ocio

Avda. de la Industria, 23

03440 IBI (Alicante)

T. +34 96 555 44 75

F. +34 96 555 44 90

Email: otri@aiju.info

Web: http://www.aiju.info