Multi-sensor platform to improve communication and motor or cognitive rehabilitation of disabled people. - Banco de Patentes
Back Multi-sensor platform to improve communication and motor or cognitive rehabilitation of disabled people.
Multi-sensor platform to improve communication and motor or cognitive rehabilitation of disabled people.

Researchers at the University of Alicante have developed a novel platform with multiple sensors (gesture recognition, eye tracking, etc.) to improve the rehabilitation, both motor and cognitive, of the disabled people with different degrees of involvement, and also it facilitates communication and interaction with other people.
This technology is protected by Spanish patent apllication
- Title of the patent: "Sistema multisensor para rehabilitación e interaccióni de personas con discapacidad.
- Application number: P201531430
- Application date: 5th october, 2015
Entity: Universidad de Alicante (UA)
Víctor Manuel Pérez Lozano
SGITT-OTRI (Universidad Alicante)
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