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Analytical platform for EXPOSOME research

Analytical platform for EXPOSOME research

The Food Safety Area of ​​FISABIO-Public Health has the methodologies and reference technological infrastructures that allow biological monitoring (urine, blood, hair, serum, breast milk ...) of environmental contaminants. The combination of available scientific equipment and previous knowledge allow us to become a support platform for research groups to support projects in the field of biological monitoring of environmental contaminants (including emerging) in humans and the exposome study.


The equipment and knowledge of the research group allows integral approach of projects that contemplate the biological monitoring of environmental pollutants such as the study of the Exposome, both from its conception through consulting and technical/scientific support, as during its performance, completion adn publication.

The acquisition of the HRGC-HRMs system has been financed by the Comunitat Valenciana 2014- 2020 ERDF funds.

Sectoral environment: Agri-Food, Cosmetics and Household Products
Entity: Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO)


Olga Pardo Marín
Investigador/a grupo Contaminantes Ambientales en
Seguridad Alimentaria (CASA)
Tel.: +34961925900
E-mail: pardo_olg@gva.es
Web: http://fisabio.san.gva.es/seguridad-alimentaria
Área de Innovación
Avda. Catalunya, 21 46010 València
Tel. +34 961926351
E-mail: innovacion_fisabio@gva.es
Web: www.fisabio.es