Sustainable production of fuel (bioethanol) from shelfish waste - Banco de Patentes
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Sustainable production of fuel (bioethanol) from shelfish waste

A novel process has been developed that uses fungi to produce biofuel (ethanol) and fungal biomass for agrobiotechnological use from shellfish industry waste as a substitute for agroforestry crops currently used. This technology is economic, financially advantageous, sustainable and environmentally friendly.
The present invention is protected through 3 patent granted:
Title: "Procedimiento para la producción de bioetanol a partir de quitosano mediante el uso de los hongos Pochonia chlamydosporia; Metarhizium anisopliae; Beauveria bassiana".
Application date: 27th April, 2015.
Application numbers: P201530552, P201530894 and P201530895.
Entity: Universidad de Alicante (UA)