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Back Obtaining of tiger nut starch for the production of bio plastics

Obtaining of tiger nut starch for the production of bio plastics

Obtaining of tiger nut starch for the production of bio plastics

Obtaining of tiger nut starch for the production of bio plastics

The invention describes a method for obtaining starch from tiger nuts and its derivatives. With this method, 25% more starch can be obtained than with traditional proceedings. Moreover, the use of a plasticizer and the appropriate thermomechanical processes allow for the obtention of a series of different bioplastics with different optical and mechanical properties, which makes this invention very attractive for a wide range of scientific and technological applications.


National patent no. 201230883, internationally extended via PCT.

Sectoral environment: Agri-Food, Cosmetics and Household Products
Entity: Universitas Miguel Hernández (UMH)