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Back New compounds with potent anticancer activity

New compounds with potent anticancer activity

New compounds with potent anticancer activity

The invention consists in new compounds displaying highly potent anticancer activity against breast and colon tumoral cell lines. Moreover, the new potential drugs have shown very low toxicity in non-tumoral cell lines, which can dramatically reduce side effects during chemotherapy treatment.


Invención protegida mediante patente española con referencia P201631265 y fecha de solicitud 29/09/2016. 

Sectoral environment: Health Promotion and Efficient Health
Entity: Universitat Jaume I (UJI)


Hugo Cerdà
Oficina de Cooperación en Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (OCIT)
Universitat Jaume I de Castelló
Tel: +34 964387487
e-mail: patents@uji.es
Web: ​http://patents.uji.es