New biodegradable and compostable materials for the micro-irrigation extruded pipes and injected drippers (both flat and tubular) - Banco de Patentes
Back New biodegradable and compostable materials for the micro-irrigation extruded pipes and injected drippers (both flat and tubular)
New biodegradable and compostable materials for the micro-irrigation extruded pipes and injected drippers (both flat and tubular)

New biodegradable and compostable materials devel-oped according to ISO 14885-1 (2005) and EN 13432 (2000), respectively, for the micro-irrigation extruded pipes and injected drippers (both flat and tubular).
The compound developed for the pipes has the following properties:
- It is processable in conventional extrusion pipe lines.
- It shows hihg thermal resistance (Vicat tempera-ture higher than 100ºC).
- It shows good chemical resistance to fertilizers used during the irrigation.
The compounds developed for the drippers:
- Show good weldability with the pipes.
- Have suitable fluidity to be injected.
- Show proper behavior for automatic demoulding in multi-cavity moulds.
The developed micro-irrigation systems (pipe + dripper) with a percentage of renewable sources higher than 70%, show properties comparable to the current polyethylene systems.
The developed compounds within the framework of the EU project DRIUS ‘Industrial implementation of a biodegradable and compostable flat micro-irrigation system for agricultural applications', under the Innovation and Competitiveness European Programme (CIP/2007-2013), with the contract number ECO/12/332883 (, are AIMPLAS´ property. When the project ended, AIMPLAS signed a ‘Memorandum of Intentions', with the two participating companies in the project and interested in the exploitation of those compounds, to agree a series of preferential conditions for their manufacturing and selling, addressed to products within the agricultural sector (i.e. micro-irrigation systems). The exploitation of any other application/sector, different from the one established in that Memorandum, is available to any other interested company and should be negotiated directly with AIMPLAS.
Entity: Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunitat Valenciana (REDIT)
NOMBRE Pilar Villanueva
IT AIMPLAS- Asociación de Investigación de Materiales Plásticos y Conexas.
DIRECCIÓN C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4 Valencia Parc Tecnològic.
CÓDIGO POSTAL / CIUDAD 46980 Paterna, Valencia, España
T. +34 96 136 60 40
F. +34 96 136 60 41