Aerial obstacle detection software for the visually impaired - Banco de Patentes
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Aerial obstacle detection software for the visually impaired

Aerial obstacle detection software for the visually impaired
Software aimed to detect aerial obstacles (e.g. tree branches, awnings) has been developed, addressed to the visually impaired. The main advantages of this technology are that this software can be executed in any smartphone equipped with a 3D camera, which is used to detect the distance to the obstacles, and it provides an accessible interface that alerts the user by means of beeps or vibration when it finds an obstacle. The alert becomes more and more frequent as the obstacle is closer. The system is comfortable and discreet making easier the user social integration.
The technology is protected by the following patent application
Title: "Aerial obstacles detection system for the visually impaired".
Application number: 201201247.
Date of application: 19/12/2012.
Entity: Universidad de Alicante (UA)