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Back New device for characterizing the properties of materials and biological samples

New device for characterizing the properties of materials and biological samples

New device for characterizing the properties of materials and biological samples

Researchers at the University of Valencia in collaboration with the Polytechnical University of Valencia have developed a new system for determining the physical properties of materials and biological samples, such as purity and crystallinity, their homogeneity or their radiative efficiency.


The technology is protected through the following patents:
Spanish patent application P201431646 titled "Sistema, método y programa de ordenador para la medida y análisis de señales luminosas Temporales".

Sectoral environment: Health Promotion and Efficient Health
Entity: Universitat de València (UV)


Oficina de Transferència de Resultats d'Investigació (OTRI)
Universitat de València
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 13, nivel 2
46010, Valencia
Tel: 96 386 40 44
e-mail: otri@uv.es
Web: www.uv.es/otri