New real-time geolocation device for cardiac arrhythmias - Banco de Patentes
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New real-time geolocation device for cardiac arrhythmias
New device that will guide physicians during cardiac ablation. The key lies in its ability to generate a mapping of cardiac activity from superficial and non-invasive intracardiac records, without the need for a computerised tomography (CT).
On 30 october 2014, the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the Foundation for Biomedical
Research at Gregorio Marañón Hospital requested patent protection before the Spanish Patent and
Trademark Office, with reference P201431597.
Subsequently, on 29 October 2015, the extension thereof was requested through PCT for its protection at
international level, with reference PCT/ES2015/070779.
Contacto técnico
María Guillem Sánchez
Instituto ITACA
963877000 (Ext.:76005)
Contacto comercial
Elsa Domínguez Tortajada
Tel. 963877409