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Back New compound for body weight regulation with applications in animal breeding

New compound for body weight regulation with applications in animal breeding

New compound for body weight regulation with applications in animal breeding


CSIC has developed a modulating agent for regulating body weight. Nowadays, it is necessary to develop new alternatives to increase the profitability of animal breeding and increase meat production, key factors to meet the food needs of the world population. Since weight and body fat are two important factors in reproductive maturity in animals, it is necessary to find alternatives to regulate body weight to delay entry into puberty and avoid the cessation of the growth or fattening stage. In this way we can obtain a higher profitability in the herds and we can control more efficiently the growth of the animals.




The research group has data on the action of the compound and laboratory scale studies.





This technology is protected by patent application, with the possibility of internationalization of the application worldwide. Companies interested in acquiring this technology for commercial exploitation are sought through Patent license agreements.


Quality of Life: Agri-Food, Cosmetics and Household Products


Marc Escamilla Nacher Delegación del CSIC en la Comunidad Valenciana. C/ Bailia 1. 46003 Valencia. Tel.: 96 161 29 95 m.escamilla@dicv.csic.es www.dicv.csic.es