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Back New bioreactor for growing plant cell culture in suspension

New bioreactor for growing plant cell culture in suspension

New bioreactor for growing plant cell culture in suspension

A bubble column-type bioreactor has been developed to perform, under aseptic conditions, plant cell culture in suspension. Its innovative design allows recovering the growing medium, its replacement by another medium, even reuse the biomass. This bioreactor has a low cost, and allows homogeneous aeration and agitation.

This invention is protected by a patent with prior examination:
Title of the patent: "Biorreactor tipo columna de burbujeo para cultivo de células vegetales en suspensión".

Application number: P201730479.
Application date: March 30, 2017.


Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Capital goods


Víctor Manuel Pérez Lozano

SGITT-OTRI (Universidad de Alicante)

Teléfono: +34 965909959

Email: areaempresas@ua.es

Web: http://innoua.ua.es