Novel self-expanding polyurethane foams intended for inert filling of pleural and other human cavities - Banco de Patentes
Back Novel self-expanding polyurethane foams intended for inert filling of pleural and other human cavities
Novel self-expanding polyurethane foams intended for inert filling of pleural and other human cavities

It has been developed a method for filling and sealing the pleural cavity for patients suffering the symptoms related to the complication or chronicity of pathological pleural cavities. It consists of a foaming material with qualities of self- expansion and self-modelated in situ for avoiding complications of these cavities.
This technology is protected by patent.
Entity: Universidad de Alicante (UA)
Víctor Manuel Pérez Lozano
SGITT-OTRI (Universidad de Alicante)
Teléfono: +34 965909959